Welcome to the ANU Law Students’ Society Website!
This website contains all the information you will need to become involved in the diverse and engaging life of the LSS and the ANU law school.
The ANU Law Students’ Society is the representative body for ANU law students, providing a wide range of social, educational and careers-oriented programs and events. It is one of the oldest, largest and most vibrant societies, carrying with it a rich history and continuing culture of comradery, support and networking for all law students.
The LSS is split into 9 portfolio groups (Administration, Finance, Education, Careers, Sponsorships, Social Justice, Equity and Competitions). On this website you will be able to find information regarding each of these portfolio groups. This website also provides links to the LSS’ major guides and the LSS magazine, Peppercorn, for your easy access.
To be updated with the most recent information, please follow the ANU LSS Facebook page.