Comment: Postal Survey

Rebecca Schneider It has been 13 years since the Howard government changed the Marriage Act to explicitly disallow same-sex marriage, and this postal survey might be the way Australia finally changes the Act again. If the overall result is yes,…

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Is Trump Reagan?

Guy Exton Trump supporters love to compare the current President to President Reagan. ey may have a point. On the surface, the lives of the current and former President are remarkably similar. Neither were career politicians, Reagan was a B-grade…

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Why Are We So Scared of Men Being Pregnant?: The need to destroy the gender binary and norms entrenched in Australian society

Posted on June 20, 2016 Under All, Opinion 3 Comments

Kirsty Dale “Wanting to have a biological child is neither a male nor female desire, but a human desire” – as Thomas Beatie, a prominent transgender man, put it. We typically see pregnancy as an exclusively female act, but male…

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Juris Doctor Online

Olivia Sparrow The law school has recently introduced the JDO – a Juris Doctor degree wholly delivered online. Teaching has just begun, however there’s been a bit of a backlash since the announcement, particularly from the postgraduate community on campus.…

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Opinion: Al-Kateb v Godwin

Posted on May 7, 2016 Under All, Opinion 9 Comments

-Philip Matthews Earlier today, I was sitting in an Australian Public Law lecture trying to think of a compelling topic to write about when something caught my attention (which has become an increasingly rare occurrence throughout a semester of APL…

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