Comment: Postal Survey

Rebecca Schneider It has been 13 years since the Howard government changed the Marriage Act to explicitly disallow same-sex marriage, and this postal survey might be the way Australia finally changes the Act again. If the overall result is yes,…

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Immigration Changes: Supplanting or Supplementing Australian Jobs?

Ashish Nagesh It is easy to turn our mind to why the 457 visa was created in the first place. To fill skill shortages in the Australian workforce. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton recently announced several…

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Is Trump Reagan?

Guy Exton Trump supporters love to compare the current President to President Reagan. ey may have a point. On the surface, the lives of the current and former President are remarkably similar. Neither were career politicians, Reagan was a B-grade…

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Citizenship Cancellation: a new chapter in Australia’s fight against terror

Posted on April 8, 2017 Under All, Comment 6 Comments

Dan McNamara With the threat of terror continuing to greatly affect international relations, state powers worldwide are scrambling to increase border protection and counterterrorism mechanisms. This article will consider the effect of the recent power granted to the Immigration Minister…

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Penalty Rate Changes

Posted on April 8, 2017 Under All, Comment 2 Comments

Anonymous  It is estimated that 800,000–900,000 workers, will be impacted by the Fair Work Commissions’ (FWC) decision to reduce weekend penalty rates by 25%-50% (depending upon the industry) over the next 5 years. While there is highly persuasive evidence offered…

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