Support within the Law School
The LSS Common Room is stocked with free tea and coffee, as well as having kitchen facilities, couches, tables and chairs, and lots of fun things like a foozball table and games. The Common Room is open for all law students to use at all hours of the day, and is unlocked with your ANU student card. All we ask is that you keep the place tidy and clean up after yourselves.
The ANU LSS Office is located directly across from the Common Room. The LSS Office is used for Office Hours throughout the year. If you would like to come in to discuss any concerns or issues you are having with the Wellbeing Director, please send an email to or check out ANU LSS Wellbeing on Facebook for drop in session times.
Lauren Skinner is the LSS Vice-President (Education). She can be contacted with general academic enquiries, and any issues relating to your courses. The VP (Education) also sits on the ANU CoL Education Committee, the LLB (Honours) Committee, and the JD Committee, and so has capacity to assist with more policy-based concerns coming from the student body. Feel free to contact Lauren if you think the LSS can provide any assistance with your studies at
If you are having any concerns with your courses it is advised that you first get in touch with the relevant Course Convenor. Who this is will change with each course, and you can find out who the Convenor is on the Wattle page for your course. If you have any questions about the course assessment or content, or about seeking special consideration or an extension for an assessment, send your Course Convenor an email.
If you have spoken with your Course Convenor and not received a satisfactory response, or if you have concerns with lecturers or tutors, marking, deferred exams, and/or academic appeals you can contact the ANU College of Law Sub-Dean, Associate Professor Amelia Simpson, at